Konferensi para pengembang Twitter di San Francisco tahun 2010 lalu dimana Twitter di taksir bernilai USD 10 Miliar
Google and Facebook are both reportedly courting Twitter. Although talks are at a very early stage the price tag of between $8bn and $10bn seems firm.Sumber1 Sumber2
Just two months ago Twitter was valued at $3.7bn after raising $200m in new financing. But in the interim the investment world has gone crazy for all things new media. Companies spouting the buzzwords social media, platforms, community and content are attracting offers not seen since the dotcom boom at the turn of the millennium.
Twitter now has more than 175 million users. Its revenues last year are said to have been $45m, although they are expected to more than double this year. But that’s a tiny sum for a $10bn company – especially one that is losing money. (Guardian)
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